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どんな悩みでも対応して頂けますか?基本的には、こころのお悩みのほとんどに対応させて頂きます。 ただし、自傷(リストカットなど)の激しい方や自殺したい気持ちの強い方、他の人を傷つける行為のある方、体重低下の著しい摂食障がいの方など、医療が必要と判断される場合で医療機関を未受診の方については、当センターでの相談をお断りさせて頂くことがあります。
Do you accept ANY problem?Basically, we will deal with most of your mental concerns. However, if it is judged that medical care is necessary, such as those who have severe self-harm (wrist cut, etc.), those who have a strong desire to commit suicide, those who have an act of injuring other people, those who have a significant weight loss and eating disorders. If you have not visited a medical institution, we may refuse to consult with you.
こども(または自分以外の家族)について相談できますか?はい、大丈夫です。 お子さんの場合、お子さんが保護者の方に言われたからとはいえ、見知らぬ人に自分のこころの悩みを突然うちあけるのは、難しい場合がよくあると思います。まずは保護者の方からお話させて頂き、どのようにお子さんとお話するのか段取りを考えてからでもかまいません。 また、おとなの方の場合にも、ご本人が自ら相談しようとされない場合もあるかと思います。まずはご家族の方が相談される形でかまいません。
Can I talk about somebody else (i.e. children, other family members) ?"Yes, it's fine. In the case of a child, it is often difficult to suddenly open up a stranger's worries, even if the child is told by a guardian. First of all, we will talk to you from the parents, and you can think about how to talk with your child. Also, even if you are an adult, you may not be willing to consult with yourself. First of all, it does not matter if the family members are consulted.
通院中ですが相談できますか?はい、大丈夫です。 ただし、通院中の主治医の医師に、当センターでのオンライン相談を利用することについて伝えて頂くようお願いします。
I see a psychiatrist regularly. Can I have sessions?Yes, it's fine. However, please tell your doctor about using the online consultation at our center.
診断書やお薬はもらえますか?申し訳ありませんが、虹の森センターロンドンは医療機関ではないため、公式な診断書の発行やお薬の処方はできません。 ただし、英国の教育機関や職場への参考資料として頂くための、日本語による心理検査結果の報告書や保険会社用の証明書などの文書は作成しております。日本文は無料です。英文の場合は有料(£15~£50)とさせて頂いております。
Do you prescribe medications or issue a medical certificate?We are sorry, but Rainbow Forest Centre London is not a medical institution. So we cannot issue medical certificates or prescribe medicines.
Can I pay by private medical insurance?Conditions vary depending on the insurance company, so please contact your insurance company. Please note that the Rainbow Forest Center London Limited is not a medical institution and the corresponding staff do not hold qualifications in the UK. the staff has a Japan medical qualification and the content they are dealing with is equivalent to the content that is recognized as medical care if it is Japan, and it has been approved.
Can a children's teacher or a colleagues at work join the sessions?Yes, no problem.
I need a session for emergency.We try to do the best as possible, but unfortunately there might be a case when we cannot accept your needs.
Do you have sessions in English?We do not offer sessions in English at the moment. However, we can communicate in English.
Can I talk via multi-way call?Yes, no problem.
I called you, but I couldn't reach you.We may not be able to answer your phone calls. If you have any enquiries, send a message by Contact Us or send an
WhatsAppやLINEでの問い合わせはできますか?お手数ですが、事務的なお問い合わせにつきましては、お問い合わせフォームもしくはメールにてお願いします。 なお、ご予約頂いた相談時間外に頂くチャットメッセージでのお悩み相談には返信できませんので、ご了承ください。
Can I contact you by WhatsApp or LINE?Sorry, but we can only be contacted by "Contact Us" form or send us an WhatsApp and LINE are used only during session hours and only for our sessions.
I have a problem about internet connection./ I have a question about my WiFi.We are sorry, but we are not IT experts, so we cannot handle the problems of Internet connection and equipment at home. If you have any questions related to IT, please contact the related vendors.
オンライン接続が相談中に途切れてしまった場合は返金してもらえますか?申し訳ありませんが、基本的には返金はできません。 ただし、虹の森センターロンドン内での接続が不安定であった場合には、改めて別の時間に予約を取り直させて頂きます。 また、お客様の接続が不安定であった場合でも、相談開始から10分以内に途切れてしまい、再接続できなかった場合には、追加料金は頂かずに別の予定を取らせて頂きます。
Can I have a refund when I am disconnected during a session?We're sorry, but basically no refunds are possible. However, if the connection within Nijinomori Center London is unstable, we will reschedule it at another time. In addition, even if the customer's connection is unstable, if the consultation is interrupted within 10 minutes and the connection cannot be reconnected, we will make another schedule at no additional charge.

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