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The centre offers professional advice to children from infancy to adolescence on the following concerns;

-Delayed speech

-School Absense

-Tantrums and irritability

- Restlessness and difficulty concentrating

- Anxiety

- Low mood

- Stress in relationships

- Need information about how to continue the medical treatment and counselling I received in Japan after traveling to the UK

- Assessment in Japanese about ASD/ADHD/Learning difficulties/Developmental delay

- Assessment in Japanese for the exam arrangement in the UK

- Need information for the special education needs system and suitable educational institutions in the UK



The centre's clinically experienced staff offer the following types of therapy.

Whichever method we use, we try to build a trusting relationship with our staff and ensure that you enjoy and continue to work with us.

We also liase with educational institutions in the UK and offer parenting programmes for parents.

Anchor 1

Behavioural Therapy (Japanese)

We are catering behavioural therapy sessions in Japanese to promote the development and well-being of children with special needs in the areas of social, language, emotional and physical development.

The centre focuses on individual sessions. On request, small-group therapy for up to two children is also available.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Early behavioural therapy sessions offers therapy using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) theory for children from the age of 1.5 years to about preschool age.

ABA is the world's most evidenced-based  intervention for the treatment of young children with SEND, particularly autistic spectrum disorder.

It comprehensively promotes the development of language, social skills, cognition, play and fine and gross motor skills in the context of play with a therapist (it also covers content that is sometimes carried out by speech and language therapists (STs) in Japan).


In addition, parental support and observation of sessions are also offered so that treatment and education can be practised at home.

Liaison with nurseries and  schools is also provided where requested.

Social skills training

Talor-made therapy sessions for school-aged children and and teenagers are provided in line with the child's needs.

Children will learn through playing, talking, writing or drawing.

Mainly, we incorporate and implement the following;


- Social skills training (SST)

This programme is designed to develop the child's communication and interpersonal skills, which are the most central part of the treatment for this age group, and to develop skills to understand their characteristics and cope with school and social life.


Rather than trying to change the characteristics themselves, we work with them to alleviate their difficulties in living and the difficulties of those around them, and to find ways to make life easier for them in the future.


For example, we think about how we can communicate our thoughts and feelings while accepting the feelings of others, how we can relate to people by devising ways to understand their facial expressions and situations that cannot be conveyed in words, and how we can deepen our self-awareness by understanding our own characteristics and think about how we can cope in our own way.


- Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy, which is described below, is often incorporated into treatment and education. Anger management for frustration and step-by-step steps for anxiety are developed to help people deal with their feelings.

You can watch online webinars (in Japanese) about the behavioural therapies and SST.

Please feel free to contac us to access these.


① "Early Intervention for Children with Special Needs" (8/1/2024, free on YouTube)

② "Children's Communication" (24/02/2020)

Click here for the past lecture recording

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Therapiutic Counselling

Anchor 2

At our center, we provide therapies based on scientific evidence (evidence) for children's mental problems. We will combine the methods that suit each child and propose the most effective method for them.

*Currently we only offer therapies and counselling only in Japanese.


Cognitive Behaiviour Therapy (CBT) is currently the most effective method for treating children's anxiety and depression. While understanding the connections between your feelings, thoughts, and actions, we will work together to think about ways to get along well. Unlike drug-based treatments, it is important to think about preventive measures that you can take on your own when the next instability occurs, not only during the therapy but also after the therapy is over. The feature is that it can be done.


Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is currently most effective for children who are particularly frustrated and have an outburst of emotional instability, children who are prone to emotional instability due to relationships, and children who hurt themselves. We will think about how to deal with instability, how to observe one's mind, and how to build stable relationships.


This is the second most effective method for child trauma after cognitive-behavioral therapy (trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy).

It's a unique way to move your eyes and tap, but it's less traumatic.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

This therapy is designed to help people accept their thoughts and feelings as they are and live towards their values.

It is a technique developed from cognitive-behavioural therapy, especially for adolescents and other children who have no clear goals for the future,

We work together to help them take action to live positively.

You can watch a free online webinar about CBT (in Japanese).

"Cognitive Behaviour Therapy" (8/1/2024, Free on YouTube) 

Click here for the past lecture recording

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Anchor 3

Learning support

Learning support is offered for children with SEND, including dyslexia, dyscaliculia, and dyspraxia.


For some children, we may start with emotional support before starting learning.

Assessment of cognitive functioning may be carried out to find out the most effective learning method for your child (see "Psychological Assessment" section for more details).

Literacy in Japanese and English

Research has shown that simply completing "drills" is not effective in improving learning for children with SEND, such as difficulty with reading and writing letters and Kanji characters. The hurdle is even higher for native Japanese-speaking children with SEND to learn English literacy .

We will use SEND materials in Japanese or ICT devices to support learning of both Japanese and English literacy. For some children, we may start with emotional support before learning support.


Children with SEND may have difficulties in maths performance, such as using fingers to calculate, having difficulty with solving word problems, not being able to do written calculation, and having difficulty with recognising geometric shapes.


We provide assessment and brain type-specific learning support for children with maths difficulties to improve their learning effectiveness.

You can watch the recording of our webinars about learning support for children with SEND.


"Children's Learning: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Abilities"(17/03/2021)


Click here for the past lecture recording



If you would like to know more details, please see webinars for teachers' professional development.


Click here for the Reiwa 3rd year faculty and staff course

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Anchor 4

ASD/ADHD/DLD Assessment

We perform ASD / ADHD assessment including ADOS-2ADI-R, Conners 3/4, VABS-II/III.

Also, we offer WISC-V Japanse version and provide a full assessment report in English.


Those who apply for EHCP for children with SEND in the UK can submit the results as reference documents. 

Initial interview

(50 minutes)

This is a face-to-face test that includes developmental tests, intelligence tests, and learning assessments. It will take 2-3 hours. This is the most detailed way to check your child's condition.


There are three types of assessment: questionnaire format, interview format, and face-to-face assessment.

​ If you use the questionnaire format, please fill it out at home.

In the case of face-to-face, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for each type of examination, and about 1 to 3 hours for the interview format.

(Assessment Scoring)

After the assessment is completed, the center will score results and create a report.

It takes about 2 weeks for this work.

If you would like an English test result report, it will take about an additional week.


 (50 minutes)

You can explain the test results online or face-to-face.

​ When telling the diagnosis name, we also add explanations about the diagnosis name.

☆ See below for a list of psychological tests that can be performed at this center.

Anchor 5

Parenting Program

Parenting programmes have been shown to be more effective than therapy for the individual in dealing with children's irritability and defiance, particularly in the early years of childhood and up to primary school age.


The programmes are usually conducted in a group setting, but the centre offers individual sessions to parents. The programmes can be offered in parallel with therapy and counselling sessions for the child. 


Parenting program

We have compiled a total of 6 individual parenting programs for children's frustration and rebellion!

In addition to traditional evidenced parenting programs

The content will be tailor-made based on the situation of each child.

Target age: From around 4 years old to elementary school age

Period: Once every other week, for about 3 months

Cost: 10% discount similar to standard course (£ 135 3 times per month)

Format: Either face-to-face or online.

Proceed while watching slide materials and videos.

​ To apply, please select "Children's Frustrated Parenting Program" from the reservation form.

Educational Consultation

Anchor 6

Based on the current situtaion in Japan, i.e., SEND class/ SEND support in mainstream school or SEN school, we offer online consultations on the selection of an education provider that matches your child's developmental characteristics and support needs. We will offer updated local information about SEND system and schools in the UK. 


*Please note that there is a charge for consultations at this centre.

Our consultation includes:


- Brief reviews of experienced professionals about your child's current development and special educational needs.

- Estimates about what kinds of SEND support may be necessary for your child in the UK
- Provides information on the UK education system, special needs education system, diagnostic procedures and how to apply for EHCP, etc.
- Provides information about school/nursery options your child may have in the UK.
- Provides information on how to continue medical treatment (medication), therapies by SaLT and OT, etc. that the child received before coming to the UK.
- Ongoing support in the run up to the child's arrival in the UK through online meetings and emails.

↓ Get a special gift for those who consult with us - our original slides with the latest information about the SEND system in the UK!

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